Barbara Anderson
Novelist, short story writer
Everything about it was
good. The tugging wind
trapped and cornered by
buildings, steep short
cuts bordered by Garden
Escapes, precipitous gullies
where throttling green
creepers blanketed the
trees beneath.
From 'The Girls' in I Think We Should Go into the Jungle, Victoria University Press, 1989

Where to find it
In small grassy park near Carlton Gore Rd, at Point Jerningham end of Oriental Parade.
- Steps
About the author
Barbara Anderson was an early student (1983) of creative writing at Victoria University and has acknowledged the course’s strong influence in her development.
Her first collection of short stories (1989) established her unique voice as well as her capacity to capture the voices of others. Her literary career burgeoned with the publication of a succession of novels, diverse in their settings and penetrating in their observation of human relationships.
Her wit, empathy and recognisable characters have given her work a broad appeal.
With thanks to Glenn Schaeffer